Monday, July 30, 2012

I Teach First workshop

Last week I attended the I Teach First workshop in Chicago put on by Staff Development for Educators. It was a fantastic workshop, and I came away with tons of new ideas for things that I want to implement in my classroom.  One of the sessions that I attended was with Dr. Lori Elliott.  If you ever have the opportunity of attending a training session with her, I highly recommend you seize it with both hands.  She is an engaging speaker that has very valuable information that is both practical and cutting edge.  If you don't have the opportunity to see her in person, she has a great website that I recommend.  There is all kinds of links to great information and tools for the classroom.  Check it out.  I've added a link below.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back to school in July???

Here it is, mid July, and I am already trying to get this room in order and ready for the start of school.  Why so early you might ask? About August 8th, I plan on having my toes in the water, rumpus in the sand, in beautiful, sunny, gorgeous Hawaii.  If my room is not finished before I go, I will suffer the dreaded vacation tragedy of sitting on the beach thinking and planning everything I need to do in order to be "ready" for those kiddos when we start school.  As usual, I have several projects going on in addition to the basic "getting ready for school" classroom organizing. I'm making a vinyl word wall with removable words, a "foofy" teaching stool, and birthday chair slipcovers.  I'll blog a little more about those projects later and share some pics.  Hopefully, someone will benefit from my ideas and will like what I have to share.