Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Few Math Apps for Primary Grades

Number Rack
This abacus style app promotes students' ability to think in groups of five or ten.  In addition, it gives students concrete models where they can practice basic addition and subtraction concepts. FREE!

 Number Pieces
 I love, love, LOVE this app.  I do quite a bit of math instruction with base ten blocks.  This app is one of the best virtual base ten block apps I have seen.  It allows students to group and ungroup blocks. It offers a writing feature where students can write numbers, use as scratch pad, or even circle blocks to group them. What's my favorite four letter word?? FREE!!

This is a great app for allowing students to explore shapes, symmetry, and more.  My students really enjoy using this app.  On the ipad, it offers two different sizes of geoboards with five band colors to choose from. Lots of possibilities with this app.  Oh, did I mention....FREE!!!! :-)


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